The website project for Flying Tiger Line Historical Society features custom posts for archiving the client's Flying Tiger Line's history of people, planes, and stories.
Flying Tiger Line Historical Society

The website project for Flying Tiger Line Historical Society features custom posts for archiving the client's Flying Tiger Line's history of people, planes, and stories.
The website project for The Early Childhood Group. features a membership site with a customized back end for its users.
The website redesign project for Code2College features a video slider, custom posts for highlighting their press releases, In the News articles, and testimonials.
This site features custom media features, easy to update private member directory, and an event calendar within a Standard Web Package.
This custom coded website project for Sheet Metal Workers Local 67 features our AWD custom WordPress theme, custom-coded application page with form, a filterable image gallery, and a contact page with a form to easily respond to client inquiries.
This website redesign project for Resource Management Institute features our AWD custom WordPress theme
The website redesign project for the Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering (TAME).
Web design with bright and fun imagery, custom sliders, bullet lists, and icon boxes to help navigate the website.