The website project for Flying Tiger Line Historical Society features custom posts for archiving the client's Flying Tiger Line's history of people, planes, and stories.
ATX Believes
Features a 5-page Wix website that helps establish an online presence in English and features a Spanish translation switcher that changes those 5 pages into their Spanish translations.
The website redesign project for Code2College features a video slider, custom posts for highlighting their press releases, In the News articles, and testimonials.
Yes on A No on B
This website project was created by Equity Action for the Yes on A and No on B website.
Waco Family Medicine
Features our custom AWD theme and a location map for their locations in the Waco, Temple, and Bell County areas.
The website redesign project for the Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering (TAME).
ASCE Texas Section
Website redesign project for ASCE Texas section. An engineering industry website we developed for our client.