Server Cache vs. Local Cache

Server Cache vs. Local Cache

If you think of your server as a kitchen that cooks up website pages according to the recipes you create in the WordPress admin area, the server cache is the hot window where premade pages are stored for future use.  That way, when someone says, “gimme the projects page” the server has a projects page already cooked up and ready to go in its server cache – no cooking required.  This makes the page load faster and use fewer server resources.

However, unless it’s told otherwise, the chef/server doesn’t always know to check if the recipe changed. In WordPress, if you edit a page or post, the server should automatically clear the server cache for that page or post. But, but, but, often content from a post that was edited may be intended to appear on another post or page, and the server is not smart enough to know to wipe out all the impacted posts and pages.

So, what you have to do is clear the server cache.  While logged in and on the page you want updated, select WP Rocket -> “Clear and Preload cache”.

(Note – your laptop or phone – your device – has its own cache, called “local cache,” that is like if you were sitting at a restaurant table and wanted to order another round of something you’d already had and your table could just magically summon a copy of that item without even telling the waiter. 

Not clearing your local cache can, therefore, cause you to get the wrong recipe as well, after a change is made on the server (to the recipe – this metaphor makes me hungry!).  Complicating this somewhat, the items that are magically copied at your table are files, like a logo image file or a stylesheet, that might get used on multiple pages, so even if you’ve never been to a page before, you’re probably seeing elements of it from your local cache.)

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