Features a 5-page Wix website that helps establish an online presence in English and features a Spanish translation switcher that changes those 5 pages into their Spanish translations.
Capital Coin and Bullion
Features an eCommerce shop setup for shipping, taxes, and for pulling in the latest precious metal rates for the most accurate pricing.
BIG Incentive Group
The website project for BIG Incentive Group features premium fonts that were specified in their brand design guidelines and high quality SVG logos and icons.
CKN Homes
The website project for CKN Homes by CKN Capital Group custom gallery sliders to showcase their high quality homes and their interiors.
The Early Childhood Group
The website project for The Early Childhood Group. features a membership site with a customized back end for its users.
Putnam Consulting
The website redesign project for Putnam Consulting features a video background, customized sliders that sync with tabs, and much more!
Crestline Group
The website project for Crestline Group features a custom post type for their team profiles.
San Juan Music
The website redesign project for San Juan Music Group showcases their music artists, their catalog, and licensing deals.
Architectural Plan Review
The website redesign project for Architectural Plan Review features custom sliders for their client logos, testimonials, and for their latest blog posts.
Information Capital
The website redesign project for Information Capital features custom fields, which allows for easy updating, and is mobile responsive.