AWD redesigned a site for myleafrx - a company that offers people a way to get discounts on prescription medication at no cost to them. The key feature of the new site was a custom-coded prescription search, which allows users to find pharmacies in their area that accept the myleaf discount card and see how…
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Concierge Family Medicine
Web Redesign Project The website redesign for Concierge Family Medicine features a new fresh design built with custom templates and custom fields. The custom fields allow for easy updating existing content and for the creation of new content. Get Found For Search Engine Optimization we installed a plugin for creating SEO titles and descriptions, added…
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Live Tobacco Free Austin
The Austin Public Health Department wanted to refresh their Live Tobacco Free website with the latest web standards and add a video library with modal pop-up windows, the ability to easily showcase downloadable documents, and have a page to post upcoming events. The website features an SEO plugin for creating SEO titles and descriptions and…
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Baby Day
Baby Day wanted a mobile responsive site that would allow them to increase members, post upcoming events, and provide information to their users.
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Austin Water (AW)
The new Austin Water website "It's Time 4 Rainwater" features a one page design with menu items that anchor to different sections of the page. full-width rows with background images or colors, font awesome icons, a form, and is mobile responsive. As with all Austin Web and Design websites, premium plugins were used for security,…
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