Local 104

Web Design Project

The Local 104 website might be one of our "Halfsie Web Designs", but it comes with everything our client needed to extend their brand with a website full of professionally photographed imagery in large-format sliders and galleries. The website also features a full-menu, tap list, announcement section, contact page, and photo gallery.

Standard Features

As with all Austin Web & Design websites, the website includes premium plugins for website security and website backups that are scheduled to run on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. A premium form creation plugin is also included for not only sending email notifications but for also saving them on the website for viewing later. Exporting entries into a CVS file is also possible. Uptime monitoring is included on every website we build.

Plans and Details

This was our Halfsie Website Design Package, but we offer more web design plans to accommodate your every need.

Contact us for more information. Austin Web & Design serves the Austin area, the Greater Houston area, Dallas, and other small and large metropolitan areas within Texas and the United States.

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Austin Web & Design