Ememem is an anonymous street artist from France, that spent years filling potholes and pavements with beautiful mosaics.
He is taking ugly, and making it beautiful. He’s taking a problem, and turning it into an opportunity to create something beautiful.
Like this pothole that was filled in front of Notre Dame:

You might be thinking “well that’s nice, but what does this have to do with web design?”.
The answer might surprise you.
Let’s dive right into it.
1. Filling the Potholes: Creative Problem-Solving in Web Design
Do you remember when you were on the bicycle, and you suddenly hit a pothole?
Yeah I know.. it’s annoying.
In web design, it’s like finding a glitch, a broken button, or something that disrupts your overall experience. Just like hitting a pothole messes up your ride, these problems mess up how people interact with your website.
However, just like how Ememem fixes potholes with cool art, web designers can fix these issues and make the site better.
Remember, what seems like a problem can actually turn into something awesome for the users.
Good example of this is Slack’s dark mode. Originally, there was only a light version. Lots of users complained that it hurts their eyes during extended use. So Slack took on the problem and created a dark version - which became very popular among its users.
You see? Slack created dark mode in response to user feedback, turning the issue into an opportunity to improve the user experience.

2. The Power of detail - or Why Small Design Elements Matter
Ememem’s tiny mosaics show us how paying attention to the little things can make a big difference.
In web design, small stuff like the font you choose (typography) or how buttons react when you hover over them (micro-interactions) makes all the difference.
Just like Ememem’s art is all about the small pieces coming together, a website feels better when all the little design details work perfectly together.
It makes the whole experience smoother and more enjoyable for the user.
So the next time if you will be asking yourself, whether to spend extra hour on the details - as the famous quote by Nike says: “Just do it!”.
3. How Bold Colors from Ememem’s Art Can Transform Web Design
Ememem’s bold use of color in his mosaics is not just about making potholes look pretty - it’s about grabbing attention and creating a connection.
He uses bright, contrasting colors that stand out against the dull grey streets. His color choices make people stop, notice, and appreciate something unexpected.
In web design, color theory works in a similar way. The right colors can guide users through a website, making it easier to navigate and interact with.
Similarly, you can use brighter colors for CTAs and that way make them grab the attention of the user.
Just see what we did for our recent client. We used pastel earth-tone colors for calming effect - but used bright solid colors for CTAs to standout.

4. Element of Surprise - When Unexpected is Nice
Our caveman ancestors had a very simple brain. Today - we still have certain habits and instincts as they did.
For most people.. familiar is safe. It’s comfortable.
But when something unexpected happens - suddenly something changes and we are on alert. Be it new situation you never been in before or experiencing something new.
With Ememem, unexpected is nice.
All the monotone gray pavements and streets is something you expect when you walk outside. But a nice beautiful mosaic art filling a pothole is something you definitely didn’t expect.
And it’s nice - it makes you appreciate the work of someone else.
Same goes for your website.
Be it some interaction that adds a nice detail, or some sort of personalization makes users appreciate your website subconsciously.
Or even small :hover: effects - it’s the little details like this that adds up to the whole experience.
Wrapping it up
Just as Ememem transforms potholes into art, designers can turn problems into user-friendly features, making interactions more engaging and visually appealing.
Embracing unexpected design elements, like interactive details, can delight users and enhance their overall experience.
In case you need help with this - send us a message or call us at 512 522 4293. Here at Austin Web & Design we have been doing this for years!