This Is Us

And Together
They Form…

The Web Design Dream Team

Austin Web and Design is an Austin-born, Austin-bred web design company founded in 2009 by Isaac Simon, a UT graduate (Advertising and Radio Television Film degrees – 2001, with honors, no big deal). We’ve grown quite a bit since then, of course.

Most of our team no longer reside in Austin (sad!). We are all domestic, though, except our lead developer who is in Ireland and our graphic designer who is in Slovakia. We are a real team though. We work together every day. AWD is our main job. We have very little turnover. We don’t outsource.

Our team works collaboratively to provide the best combination of design, functionality, and efficiency. Members are selected for their talent, their ability to deliver value for our clients, and how nice they are.

Austin Web Design: Political Action Website

As a client, you will have a single point of contact who will translate your request into nerd for our developers, and then translate their nerd talk back to you to let you know it’s done.

Get to know us by clicking below to read our bios. To contact a team member, please click here.

The Dream Team

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